Mister Ron's Basement II
Exploring the Universe of Public Domain Humor, featuring the greatest writers in the world, seven days a week! Indexed at http://ronevry.com/Mister_Rons_Full_Catalog.html
Sun, Dec 18 2005

Mister Ron's Basement #223

Fanny Fern (Sara Payson Willis Parton) was not only one of the earliest and most popular regularly published feminist writers of the 1850s and 1860s, but she often used her sharp, pointed wit to skewer pretension and ignorance. Her 1854 story 'The Advantages of a House in a Fashionable Square' explores love and social climbing, and has a satisfyingly happy ending.

Time: approx sixteen minutes

The Mister Ron's Basement Full Catalog can be found at:

The Fanny Fern Catalog of Stories is at:


Direct download: revry-2005-12-18.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:36am EST