Mister Ron's Basement II
Exploring the Universe of Public Domain Humor, featuring the greatest writers in the world, seven days a week! Indexed at http://ronevry.com/Mister_Rons_Full_Catalog.html
Sun, Dec 11 2005

Mister Ron's Basement #216

Frank R. Stockton wrote stories during the late 1800s that ran the gamut from Romance, Science Fiction, Mystery, and Humor, often all at the same time.

Today's tale, 'Mr. Tolman,' deals with a lonely businessman concerned with his sanity taking a drastic step that changes the lives of at least a few of the people he encounters.

Time: approx forty-two minutes

The Mister Ron's Basement Full Catalog can be found at:

Direct download: revry-2005-12-11.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:57am EST