Mister Ron's Basement II
Exploring the Universe of Public Domain Humor, featuring the greatest writers in the world, seven days a week! Indexed at http://ronevry.com/Mister_Rons_Full_Catalog.html
Thur, Sep 17 2009

Mister Ron's Basement #1449

Edgar Wilson ('Bill') Nye produced a huge body of work that still stands the test of time. This week we will be reading pieces from his 1882 collection, 'Forty Liars and Other Lies.'

Back in Nye's day, derbies and top hats were called 'plug hats' and were about as fashionable as they are today, as we find out in 'The Plug Hat in Wyoming.'

Time: approx five and a half minutes

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:48pm EST