Mister Ron's Basement II
Exploring the Universe of Public Domain Humor, featuring the greatest writers in the world, seven days a week! Indexed at http://ronevry.com/Mister_Rons_Full_Catalog.html
Fri, Jan 16 2009

Mister Ron's Basement #1260

We are wrapping up our week-long celebration of funny writing by Edgar Allan Poe (his 200th Birthday is on January 19, 2009) with a lengthy, but fascinating, and at times quite funny story from 1845 called 'Some Words with A Mummy.'

This is most likely the very first popular story ever written concerning a Mummy brought back to life. Today there are Mummy movies and television programs everywhere. But in 1845, this tale hit the reading public with a bang!

Time: approx FORTY-ONE minutes

NOTE- Mister Ron and The Mrs. went to visit Edgar Allan Poe's Homes in Baltimore and Philadelphia on January 17, 2009. Some photos can be found at http://gallery.me.com/misterron#100237.

The Mister Ron's Basement Full Catalog can be found at:

Direct download: revry-2009-01-16.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:25pm EST