Mister Ron's Basement II
Exploring the Universe of Public Domain Humor, featuring the greatest writers in the world, seven days a week! Indexed at http://ronevry.com/Mister_Rons_Full_Catalog.html
Thu, Nov 24 2005

Mister Ron's Basement #199

Mark Twain left behind a large selection of great stories that were not published until after his death in 1910. Most appropriately, this hilarious article originally run in the Buffalo Express in 1889 appeared in a book for the first time in 1919, -- 'Last Words of Great Men.'

Incidentally, Twain's actual last words, written on a piece of paper, were 'Give me my glasses.'

The Mister Ron's Basement Full Catalog can be found at:

The Mark Twain Catalog of Stories is at:


Direct download: revry-2005-11-24.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:17am EDT